It was relatively strange in Michigan weather wise this year, though quite a bit of rain and the Wormwood really jumped. We put in a small number of new starts and witnessed the previous season’s starts go into bloom. Quite… Read More
Is Absinthe and wormwood and thujone really harmful to humans?
The debate rages on… With thousands of years of history of use by shamans, witches, medicine men, doctors, it is beginning to look as though Wormwood suffered the same defamation that was suffered by marijuana. Any thoughts?
Toxins In Absinthe Makes Neurons Run Wild
In the late 20th century, espressos and caffe lattes became available on every urban street corner. In late 19th-century Paris, absinthe was the favored drink of artists and writers. Some say addiction to the emerald-green liqueur drove Vincent Van Gogh… Read More
Some information about Wormwood and “Mugwort”
Latin: Artemisia absinthium Common Names: Absinthe, Old Man, Ajenjo, Artemisia, Green Ginger, Sweet Annie, and Old Woman’s Weed Planet: Mars Element: Fire Associated Deities: Artemis Wormwood is a close relative of mugwort, coming from the same botanical family. It grows… Read More